
Looking for ajax features

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  • #246180 Reply


    Hi, I installed MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 4.1 GA for Windows 98/2000/XP (1/22/2006) for eclipse 3.1.1. I was looking through the web2.0/ajax documentation but could not find any references to ajax features. What implementation of ajax is supported by the editor?

    #246247 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The AJAX functionality in this intial release is centered around the JavaScript editor as well as the JavaScript debugging to be able to more effectively develop AJAX applications. You can read about it here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/images/tutorials/quickstarts/javascript/

    We will be adding support for more down the road in future releases.

    #246261 Reply


    Yes, I saw these docs when I installed. Very nice documentation indeed. I found them more informative than the equivalent WSAD docs on how to debug js files.

    #247691 Reply


    how do you link the Web 2.0 browser with your page url if the web server runs outside of IDE?

    #247692 Reply


    Hi djian2006,

    If you use the Debug… option from the Run menu you can create a new JavaScript Application launch configuration. In the launch configuration you can specify a URL.

    For example if you have a web application running on a localhost named ExampleApp the URL might be:


    You also need to have the source locally in order to debug. In the launch configuration you specify the project that has the source.

    That should get you started. If you have any more questions feel free to ask!

    #247693 Reply


    I am not sitting at the computer that has that version of myeclipse but if I remember correctly you use the debug as menu item and then change the url of the page to debug so that it points to the correct web application. Now the thought just occurred to me that if you did not start the app server from within eclipse you will have to make sure that your debug settings are listening on the correct debug port. When I get home tonight I can check this out and get back to you.

    Hope that helps.

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