
Cannot Find Directory Where WSDL is Located

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  • #256510 Reply


    This maybe a really, really dumb question but I need to know. Where is the WSDL file located in the WebServices project hierarchy? I have looked in project structure and don’t see it, plus I’ve checked war file that’s generated and deployed to JBoss 4.x and can’t find it there either.

    Could some one tell me where it is? The service I have works and even tested calling it from a .NET client. I just can find the WSDL on the file system anywhere.


    #256547 Reply


    I am assuming that you are referring to the WSDL document that is available when requested it from an XFire service using the WSDL parameter in the service’s URL, e.g., http://myhost/mywsapp/services/Foo?WSDL. If you are looking for this WSDL resource then note the file is auto-generated by XFire if not explicitly specified in the services.xml descriptor file.

    What I do is deploy my new service, access the WSDL that is autogenerated and then save the it wsdl source to my project or local file system.

    #256572 Reply



    Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. So if I understand correctly, it’s auto generated and I have to use the Web Service execution tool in My Eclipse to view it? Shouldn’t I be able to see an actual file on the file system in the war folder deployed in [JBoss Home]\server\[server name]\deploy\[app name].war?

    Again, thanks for your help!


    #256600 Reply


    Shouldn’t I be able to see an actual file on the file system in the war folder deployed in [JBoss Home]\server\[server name]\deploy\[app name].war?

    Short answer: no the physical WSDL file does not exist at deploy time. WSDL that is auto-generated is created in realtime during processing of the request. We started looking at generating the WSDL during development time but that takes a few hints from the user and a bit more development time than was available to us for the ME5.0 release.

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