
Cannot add to local Maven repository

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  3. Maven for MyEclipse (Maven4MyEclipse)
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  • #297029 Reply


    I get this error every time that I try to add a JAR to my local Maven repository. I have tried this with ME 6.6 and just tried it with 7.1.1:

    3/31/09 12:00:06 PM EDT: C:\Documents and Settings\angelomi\Workspaces\MyEclipse 7.1
    3/31/09 12:00:06 PM EDT: Build type none : install:install-file
    3/31/09 12:00:06 PM EDT: mvn -DartifactId=Common -Dfile=”C:\Documents and Settings\angelomi\Desktop\Common.jar” -DgeneratePom=true -DgroupId=common.mckesson.medcomm.common -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=TRUNK -B -s “C:\Documents and Settings\angelomi\.m2\settings.xml” install:install-file
    3/31/09 12:00:06 PM EDT: Build type none : install:install-file
    3/31/09 12:00:08 PM EDT: [INFO] User settings file does not exist C:\Documents and Settings\angelomi\.m2\settings.xml
    3/31/09 12:00:18 PM EDT: Error on removing indexing context local; Cannot delete C:\Documents and Settings\angelomi\Workspaces\MyEclipse 7.1\.metadata\.plugins\org.maven.ide.eclipse\nexus\local\_0.fdt
    3/31/09 12:00:18 PM EDT: Error on adding indexing context local; Cannot overwrite: C:\Documents and Settings\angelomi\Workspaces\MyEclipse 7.1\.metadata\.plugins\org.maven.ide.eclipse\nexus\local\_0.fdt
    3/31/09 12:00:18 PM EDT: Updated local repository index

    #297200 Reply

    These messages should not make it impossible to readd your jar to local repository. To redownload indexes you need to delete ${workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.maven.ide.eclipse.

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