
Problem deploying EJB2

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  • #302020 Reply


    In my previous RAD set up I was able to right click the EJB project and select deploy.

    How do I do this in MEB 7.5? The deploy option does not seem to be there.


    #302023 Reply

    You can go to deployments by selecting the project and clicking the “MyEclipse Deploy Icon” from the toolbar.
    Please refer to the following tutorial
    Hope that helps.

    #302057 Reply


    Hi Shalini,

    That’s not really what I was after, so perhaps I should make myself more clear.

    What I’m looking for is to Generate EJB deployment code from the workbench.
    This is from the RAD help file:

    In RAD by default, the deployment code is generated in the ejbModule source folder

    After the deployment code is generated, you can export your enterprise beans to a JAR or EAR file

    #302066 Reply

    Do you have EJBs with XDoclets? Or you want to generate EJB stubs and other server-specific wiring?

    If you are need to generate deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml) and interfaces from XDoclet-annotated Java source files – please consult EJB tutorial in MyEclipse help.
    Stubs and other server generated files will be created by the server when EJBs are deployed.

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