
Send Failed error from Flex Scaffold application

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  • #311056 Reply


    I created a new web application using the Flex web layer and following the steps from the reference material. When I attempt to view the page which contains the Office table from the CLASSICCARS databse I receive a “Send Failed” error.

    I noticed that there are two flex-config files files under web-inf/config, one named flex-config.xml and one named generated-flex-config.xml.

    #311078 Reply



    Unfortunately, “Send Failed” is one of those generic flex errors.

    What I would recommend is to check the Console view to see if any errors occurred during deployment. There is a known issue if you are using Spring 2.5 – details and the workaround are noted in this forum post: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-25763-highlight-flex.html

    Let me know what you see.

    Kind regards,

    #311079 Reply


    Thanks, Dave. I was a little to quick to report an error. Turns out there were issues occurring in deployment. During the scaffolding process I had pointed to my Flash Builder SDK folder rather than the SDK included with MyEclipse. The generated application works now.

    This is really a terrific product. I’m a newcomer to spring/java from the .net world and this is a great learning tool.

    #311080 Reply


    You’re welcome. Glad you like MyEclipse for Spring!!

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