
Generating asdocs

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  • #312491 Reply


    Hello All,

    I was just wondering, how can we generate the asdocs using MyEclipse.

    my project type:
    web project (added maven dependencies, Spring scaffolding), added flex project nature and every thing is working fine,

    Problem: Since the project is done as a single module it has only one parent pom. I was not sure what to add to the pom.xml inorder to generate the reports (asdoc).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Suresh Paleti

    #312508 Reply


    Hi Suresh,

    I’m looking more into this, but wanted to report what I found thus far. I’m taking the route of creating an ant script to generate the asdocs. Do you think that may help what you are trying to do? Since the asdoc.jar is included in the flex SDK, I didn’t think it needed to be part of the pom.xml, but I could be wrong.

    For example, something like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="asdocFlex" default="doc">
        <property name="SDK_HOME" value="C:/Users/Dave/.myeclipse/flex4Sdk"/>
        <property name="ASDOC_JAR" value="${SDK_HOME}/lib/asdoc.jar"/>
        <property name="SOURCE_PATH" value="../flex_src"/>
        <property name="DOC_SOURCE" value="../flex_src"/>
        <property file="build.properties" />
        <target name="doc">
            <java jar="${ASDOC_JAR}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                <arg value="-source-path=${SOURCE_PATH}"/>
                <arg value="-doc-sources=${DOC_SOURCE}"/>

    Let me know if this helps,

    #312510 Reply


    Hello Dave,

    Thanks for the quick reply, I was figuring out a way to do this in maven.

    As you said we can use ant for doing that or can even configure in External Tools Configuration (which is easy).

    I am looking into it (maven) and will get back to you If i can find anything, I think we have to use flexmojos for that.

    Suresh Paleti

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