
Having trouble compiling simple program in MyEclipse

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  • #210083 Reply


    When trying to run the test code below, MyEclipse (Eclipse?) says “Obsolete methind in <<unknown declaring type>>” when I try to run it.

    In the tab that appears, I see “Source not found.” with a button to “Edit source lookup path”.

    >> Yet, the program runs.

    I can also run the program below in TextPad and JBuilder with no errors like this. I’m getting the same kind of errors when trying to debug servlets.

    What’s going on here? Do I have Eclipse/MyExclipse mis-configured?

    After the update to MyEclipse hosed my machine a couple days back, I had to re-install Eclipse/MyEclipse so perhaps something still isn’t quite right.

    I appreciate any and all replies in advance.

    — J

    public class MyClass extends Thread

    String msg = “”;

    public MyClass(String s)
    msg = s;

    public void run()

    public static void main(String[] args)
    MyClass a = new MyClass(“Hello”);
    MyClass b = new MyClass(“World.”);



    #210096 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Running this class (and developing) has nothing to do with MyEclipse. I don’t know why you are running into this problem, but I’m moving this to “Random Thoughts” so one of our users may help you if they know what might be the problem.

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