
Subscrition woes

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  • #210210 Reply


    I am trying to run two instances of myEclipse workbench simultaneously from the same machine each pointing to a different workspace and I am getting a Subscription Key Problem error stating too many users are using this subscription key. It just me. When I started up myeclipse pointing to a different workspace I was surprised to see that I had to “upgrade” even though I already had entered my subscription key before. Am I overlooking something silly or do I need to enter my key everytime I point to a new workspace? Also can’t I run two instances of myEclipse on the same machine?

    #210214 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Am I overlooking something silly or do I need to enter my key everytime I point to a new workspace?

    Eclipse doesn’t provide any mechanism for installing a “global preference” or something like that. That’s why you also have to go reinput all your preference settings when you create a new workspace. The subscription key is just one such setting. To make this easier, however, Eclipse does provide a preference export/import mechansim that will duplicate all your preferences, subscription key included. You can get to it at Window > Preferences > Export… at the bottom of the window.

    Also can’t I run two instances of myEclipse on the same machine?

    That one you can find here:

    #210219 Reply


    Thanks for answering my question. I appreciate the attention!

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