
RAD 7 RESTful support for J2EE 1.4 with WAS 6.1

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  • #332366 Reply

    Tom Murray

    Another reason for not being able to fully migrate off RAD. I can not seem to create J2EE 1.4 apps (WAS 6.1) RESTful services in WE BLUE 10.6. Rad supports it. Any work arounds or am I missing something?

    #332386 Reply



    I have escalated this query to a dev team member. They will get back to you.

    #332412 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    In MyEclipse, our REST web service support is based on Jersey (JAX-RS RI) which does require Java 1.5 to function. It appears that in WAS 6.1 / RAD, the REST features are achieved through JAX-WS which can work with Java 1.4.

    We will take a look at addressing this shortcoming in the 11.1 release; I’m afraid I cannot suggest any other workaround now. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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