
Websphere 7.0 does not deploy latest code.

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  • #338997 Reply


    I have an interesting problem. When I attempt to build and deploy the latest code to WebSphere 7.0 in myEclipse Blue, the latest updated code is not deployed. Code from a deployment performed in April is what is deployed to the server. With WinZip, I opened up the EAR and the timestamp for all the files have the April date even though it is currenlty May. I have had my project set to several setting. I have done several things.

    1. Build Automatically
    2. Removed auto build and manually Clean and Build
    3. Create custom ANT Build script and then install server (This is the only thing that worked)

    Does anyone have any ideas how to fix. It once worked.

    #339052 Reply


    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please check whether you can browse the deployment location from the Servers view (right click on deployed project from servers view and select Browse deployment location) to ensure it is deploying to the correct place ?

    If it is still showing the old code, can you please remove the deployed project from WAS 7.0 (right click on deployed project from servers view and select remove deployment) and then deploy the project again to WAS 7.0 by right clicking on WAS 7 server in servers view and select Add deployment option.

    If you could still replicate the issue, can you please answer some queries to help us investigate further :
    1) Can you please share your installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
    2) Please attach the deployment.log file and also copy paste the contents of the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log to help us investigate further.

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