
Problem with dojo buttons and spring-js (ValidateAll*)

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  • #341134 Reply


    Hi all,

    My team is having problems with some buttons (specifically “dijit/form/Button” from dojo toolkit), and the ValidateAllDecoration from Spring JS.

    Currently we’re using the ME4S’ Spring MVC Scaffolding (spring js version 2.3.0.RELEASE, ME4S 10.0.0 build 7).

    The behavior consist in: the dijit’s decoration for buttons, adds in runtime, some “span” objects to surround the html button itself. The thing is that the outer span is not acting on the ‘onclick’ event, just the inner one (with the same id as the original button) reacts to that event.

    It implies that, whenever the user clicks the button, the form validation will be triggered depending if the click was inside the inner span, or will not be triggered if the click hits the space between the outer span and the exterior limit of the inner span.

    The submit event will work in both cases, but the validation won’t be triggered all the time.

    Any suggestion or bugfix will be welcome!

    #341144 Reply


    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    1) Can you please update your MyEclipse for Spring to latest version (10.6.0) ? Go to MyEclipse configuration center > Software > Software updates available section > Wait for updates to be shown and then select MyEclipse Enterprise workbench 10.7 > click Apply and follow the wizard to update to latest version.

    2) Can you please attach a sample project which exhibits this issue to help us reproduce the issue ?

    3) Clear the .log file located at <Workspace dir>/.metadata/.log file, replicate the issue and check whether any errors are logged in the .log file. If any, please attach the .log file here to help us investigate further ?

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