
Problem with adding table to CRUD application

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  • #345413 Reply

    Hello! I am having an issue and I am wondering what I am doing wrong.

    Some details: I am using MyEclipse for Spring 2014, and am using Java 1.5.

    So here is the deal. I was told to add a couple more tables to an existing CRUD application we have at our company. There was some documentation on how to add tables to the app. I was told to right click on the project in my eclipse, then select and click MyEclipse and ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application.’ When I follow these steps, nothing happens. There’s no error message or anything, MyEclipse just doesn’t load up the functionality for adding tables to a CRUD application.

    Is there some option I need to turn on, or some potential functionality issues with the 2014 version and Java 1.5? I’m at a loss. I tried to search the forum, but couldn’t find any useful information. Please let me know if you need more details.

    Thank you for your help.

    #345454 Reply


    We couldn’t replicate the issue at our end.

    Can you please answer some more queries to help us investigate further :
    1) Please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
    2) Can you please mention the DB name and version you are using for scaffolding ?
    3) Can you please mention on what kind of project (web/java/ejb/etc.) you are trying to scaffold ? Also, you mentioned that you are using Java 1.5, can you please be more clear on this ? Is that the project Java version is 1.5 ?
    4) Does scaffolding wizard open after selecting ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ ? or the wizard opens and you cannot select the tables in the wizard ? Can you please be more clear on what happens exactly after selecting ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ ?
    5) Clear the contents of the .log file located at <Workspace dir>/.metadata/.log file, replicate the issue and attach the log file here to help us investigate further.

    #345459 Reply

    Hi! Here is the information you requested:

    *** Date:
    Monday, December 23, 2013 8:22:01 AM EST

    *** System properties:
    OS version=6.1.0
    OS arch=x86
    Profile arch=x86
    Window system=win32
    Java version=1.7.0_45
    VM Args=-Xmx768m

    *** Subscription information
    Product Id: E3MS (MyEclipse for Spring Subscription)
    License version: 3.0
    Full Maintenance Included
    Subscription expiration date (YYYYMMDD): 20140917
    Number of users: 16

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse for Spring

    Version: 2014

    Build ID: 12.0.0-20131202

    Blueprint: N/A

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    2. The database we are using is an Oracle DB, I believe the database is Oracle 10.

    3. It is a web project. The project is using Java 1.5, correct.

    4. The wizard does not open at all. I click ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application,’ and the wizard doesn’t load. Nothing happens.

    5. The log file is empty.

    #345478 Reply


    Thanks for the details provided. We couldn’t replicate the issue at our end on MyEclipse for Spring 2014.

    1) Did you create the project in MyEclipse 2014 or did you import the project from anywhere else ? If you have imported the project from previous MyEclipse version, please mention the MyEclipse version, so that we could try to replicate the issue in that way.

    2) Can you please create a new project in the same workspace and check if ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ wizard opens for the new project ?

    3) Can you please switch to a new workspace, create a new project and check if ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ wizard opens for the new project ? If the wizard opens in the new workspace, can you please import your existing project into your new workspace and check if the ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ wizard opens for that project?

    4) If possible, can you please attach a sample project which exhibits this issue to help us investigate further ? Else, can you please strip the project of its source code and send us all the .* files (.class,.settings etc) of the project to help us investigate further ?

    #345486 Reply

    1. The project was not created in MyEclipse 2014. I don’t know the version it was created in, but the project was first made in 2006, so I would guess MyEclipse 2007?

    2. The wizard opens this way.

    3. The wizard opens this way.

    4. Attached is .settings, and .metadata, zipped up. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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    #345505 Reply


    2) Can you please create a new project in the same workspace and check if ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ wizard opens for the new project ?

    3) Can you please switch to a new workspace, create a new project and check if ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ wizard opens for the new project ? If the wizard opens in the new workspace, can you please import your existing project into your new workspace and check if the ‘Scaffold Spring CRUD Application’ wizard opens for that project?

    > The screenshots of the wizard seems to have not attached properly in your earlier response. Can you please clarify what happened after performing the two tests quoted above ?

    > The .settings and .metadata files doesn’t help us much. Can you please attach the .classpath and .project files of your project to help us investigate further ?

    #345507 Reply

    I have attached screenshots. With both of these tests, I was able to launch the wizard successfully. I didn’t try to do anything after the wizard launched, but I was able to launch the wizard.

    Zipped up are the .classpath and .project files.

    Thank you.

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    #345508 Reply

    Ah ha! I figured it out. I imported the project incorrectly. I removed the project from the workspace, and imported it correctly.

    Thank you!

    #345530 Reply


    Glad that you got it working.
    Do let us know if you see any issues in MyEclipse.

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