
Doesn’t recognize Struts tag libraries

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  • #351050 Reply

    Alejandro Barrero

    I created a Web application and set it to Struts 1.1 but in a JSP I am getting the error:

    Can not find the tag library descriptor for "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-tiles"    UserLoginSuccess.jsp    /Brillio Assignment/WebRoot    line 7    JSP Problem
    #351065 Reply


    If you have missed to include/copy corresponding struts 1.1 TLD files into your project/WEB-INF folder, you get this error. However, we couldn’t replicate the issue at our end.

    > Can you please clarify whether all the struts 1.1 related TLD’s are added to the project ? You should find them under Project/WebRoot/WEB-INF folder.

    > Can you try refreshing the project to see if the issue is fixed?

    > Can you switch to a clean new workspace, create a web project and add struts 1.1 capabilities (make sure you check/select ‘Copy required TLD’s to the project’ option under Add struts capabilities wizard) and check if you see the error in the JSP ?

    > If you are still facing issues, can you please attach the sample project which exhibits this issue to try and replicate the issue at our end.

    > Also share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation details ?

    #351127 Reply

    Alejandro Barrero

    Thank you very much for your help. The struts libraries contain struts-taglib-1.3.10.jar, but WEB_INFO\lib is empty. I don’t know how to include/copy corresponding struts 1.1 TLD files into /WEB-INF folder. I thought that MyEclise should do that. I just created a Web application and set it to Struts 1.1 following the example in Help, I don’t know the right way to do it.

    #351129 Reply

    Alejandro Barrero

    I tried with struts-taglib-1.3.10.jar in WEB-INF and WEB-INF/lib; I verified that the jar file contains META_INF/tld with struts-bean.tld and the others. Also org.apahe.struts taglib.bean contains the classes for the tags.

    I also tried <%@ taglib uri=”http://org/apache/struts/taglib/bean&#8221; prefix=”bean” %> but nothing works.

    #351142 Reply


    MyEclipse does add/copy all the struts TLD’s to WEB-INF folder, but you should make sure that ‘Copy required TLD’s to the project’ option is checked/selected while adding struts capabilities.

    We couldn’t replicate the issue at our end, so please provide us the following information to help us investigate further :

    1. Can you switch to a clean new workspace, create a web project and add struts 1.1 capabilities (make sure you check/select ‘Copy required TLD’s to the project’ option under Add struts capabilities wizard) and check if you see the error in the JSP ?

    2. If you are still facing issues, can you please attach the sample project (created in #1) which exhibits this issue, to try and replicate the issue at our end.

    3. Also share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation details ?

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