
Team development

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  • #220665 Reply

    Would love some insights into managing team development with MyEclipse on a java/struts web app.

    Currently we have 3 developers. Each of us has a copy of the project and develop locally with Tomcat. 1 developer is the “gatekeeper”.

    Developer’s 2 and 3 send in their new/changed code….the gatekeeper integrates them….then sends out the combines code back to developers 2 and 3 that has all of the code from 1,2, and 3 and they attack the next set of problems.

    And at some points, we push out a release to our Webpshere server.

    Right now we are wondering what the easiest way to move the project from dev1 (the gatekeeper) to developers 2,3. So far, we have struggled each and eveery time.

    We have tried zipping the working directory. We have tried exporting and importing. Yet we still have not come up with a clean “do these steps” approach.


    1. What is the best way to move a project from my machine to someone else’s?

    2. What are best practice ideas for team development in general using MyEclipse, java, struts.


    #220666 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You situation almost summarizes perfectly the existence and use of source control, like CVS. Is there a reason you guys have not setup a CVS repository to work against?

    Also as far as best way to move a project, File > Export > Zip is pretty damn handy. That is how we have people in the forums submit example projects to us and so on.

    #220667 Reply

    Nabil Suleiman

    all you need is CVS. a CVS client is integrated into Eclipse. Setup a CVS server soemwhere and have your developers commit/checkout code from it.

    Do a google search for setting up CVS repository for detailed tutorials.

    I hope this helps.

    #220668 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you have never done a CVS repo on a unix system before, it can be a bear. I wrote a CVS tutorial for Gentoo, its in the forums under “CVS Tutorial” but to get started I think http://www.cvsnt.org is the easiest way to go. Although I would say CVS on a linux box is a better setup, but you may not run into any problems with only 3 devs.

    Additionally if you do go with cvsnt (easier) rest assured that its a heavily developed/robust product. It started off years and years ago as a port, and has turned into its own product even, with features that CVS doesn’t support (mostly w.r.t. to conncetion authentication and such).

    #220669 Reply

    We have a corporate standard “cvs” called “ChangeMan” — we are currently looking into how to set that up. The “pass the project from developer 1 to 2,3” is the interim step until we have ChangeMan integrated.

    We have tried the “export zip” method, but it’s not smooth.

    1. Do you have to first create a project, then import into it?
    2. Do you have to “add strust, add hibernate” before you import?


    #220670 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    In my experience with Export, the subsequent user of the project just unzips it and then Import > Existing Project > (point to project) > OK, and bam, the project is there, libs and all.

    #220685 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    In my experience with Export, the subsequent user of the project just unzips it and then Import > Existing Project > (point to project) > OK, and bam, the project is there, libs and all.

    Tried that. The project comes in ok. But when developer 2 changes a .java file I wrote, their changes never take affect. We have started and stopped Tomcat, undeployed and redeployed the project…..but the new changes are never seen.

    However, they can create their own new .java classes and those behave just fine.

    As does any change to a .jsp page.


    #220690 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I would encourage you to import the project, open up the Tomcat dir in another window, then change a file and hit save… did the timestamp on the file change? Try it with a JSP page… did that work?

    If not, remove the deployment and readd it (like you said) are the files in the tomcat dir the new ones? It makes no sense to me that this wouldn’t work… maybe you need to dump the Tomcat /work directory or something…

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