
JSPF page fragments

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  • #198864 Reply

    Not sure if this is a feature request, bug, support issue, or what…

    I have a number of JSPF page fragments, which I have located at WEB-INF/jspf (as recommended by the current coding standards http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/javaserverpages/code_convention/ ).

    The problem is, the MyEclipse editor fails to recognize any custom tags (such as JSTL). Therefore, I get no code assist and too much of the page shows up in “red ink” (error). I’m guessing that its because it can’t find the WEB-INF folder and all the related files that define the custom tags, when the files are buried within the WEB-INF folder (at any level).

    Is there a setting change that lets MyEclipse know that it can find files in more than the context root? If not, then this is either a missing feature or a bug.

    #198877 Reply


    Are you using using jar packaged JSTL taglibs in your project? If yes, there is a known problem that causes code completion and coloring to fail in certain circumstances. The next maintenance release will resolve this problem.

    MyEclipse Support

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