
Possible bug???

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  • #229709 Reply


    This is a minor issue…. (a little bit of sarcasm)

    I am unable to close the MyEclipseIDE 4 application. I tried File->Exit and the window manager close button. Neither work. I do get a busy wait cursor for about 15 seconds. After that, nothing happens and the applicaiton is still open.

    I am running windows XP SP2
    JDK 1.4.2_07
    Eclipse 3.0.2 (Verified)
    MyEclipseIDE 4 Milestone Release

    #229725 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Odd, I can’t replicate this at all (of course, or we wouldn’t have shipped it :-). Can you restart your environment with -clean on the commandline and see if you can replicate the issue. If so, can you please post an exact series of steps so we can try to replicate.

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