
[Closed] Hot-deploy to WAS resulting in app restart

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  • #251150 Reply


    I have an exploded deployment, but when I change a method while stepping through it,
    (not a method signature, just the body), I can stack frames are correctly dropped
    and I can step through the changed methods but at the same time WAS restarts
    the application. Why does it do it and how would I prevent that? I have -Xj9 specified
    in JDK configuration…

    #251186 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m not sure what the setting in WAS is, but in Tomcat it’s a context setting called “reloadable=true”, WAS probably has something similar, you can just turn that setting off.

    #251204 Reply


    Do you mean reloadEnabled=”true” in deployment.xml of the EAR? I have set this, yes.
    (but I think my colleague who did not have this set – does not have that attribute at all
    in deployedObject tag of deployment.xml – is running into the same problem).

    Moreover, if I don’t have it set, how would WAS know to reload classes in the first place?

    #251206 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Again, I have no idea what the setting for WebSphere is, this isn’t a MyEclipse issue. So unfortunately asking me if it’s the reloadEnabled=true setting, I really have no idea. You’d have to check the WAS docs, sorry.

    #251238 Reply


    Looks like it’s a matter of having reloadEnabled=”true” in deployedObject tag of deployment.xml (or, setting reloading enabled in manual install). Per WebSphere, this actually leads to restart of an app when
    new class is detected (http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v5r1//index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/urun_rapp_inst.html). To avoid that, I removed that, and instead have reloadingEnabled=”true” in ibm-web-ext.xmi for the WAR (I don’t have EJBs, but similar thing applies). So far so good…

    #251249 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Very cool, thanks for the followup for other folks.

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